•• How to record longer messages: There are two way for the user to record messages that are longer. These methods can either be used individually or in combination. These methods are: • Method 1: More Memory The VoiceCalendar memory partition size is 400 kilobytes. Increasing this value would result in more memory to be used for recording. To change the partition to a higher level follow these steps: 1) Select the VoiceCalendar application icon by clicking on it once. 2) From the finder's "File" menu select the "Get Info" menu item. 3) In the box labeled "Preferred Size" enter a number greater than 400 for example, 600. 4) Click in the go-away box of the Get Info window. 5) Start the VoiceCalendar application. • Method 2: More Compression The default compression level for VoiceCalendar is 3 to 1. By increasing to 6 to 1, user can double the record time. On the other hand, if user chooses to turn compression off for more fidelity the record time is cut to 1/3. For more detailed explanation of the compression feature see the section on "Compression Menu". It is suggested that the user experiment and using either or both methods to achieve a combination of memory size and compression level best suited for their needs.